Konstantinos Doumpenidis
Visual Artist and Creative Director
Live and work in Athens, Greece
Creative Director of Juicer Studio
Part of Esto Association
I want your gold
November, 2015
Ever since the beginning of the Eurozone crisis, all countries that were subjected into rescue programs were forced to proceed into privatization of goods and services in exchange of receiving loans from the troika. Especially in the case of Portugal and Greece, big companies and investors can buy cheap, aiming for big profits. In Greece, the bestowal of public wealth to multinational corporations had progressed long before the crisis. Such a case is that of Canadian Eldorado Gold company which through Ellinikos Xrysos A.E. has been mining gold in the area of Skouries, Stratoni & Olympiada.
Mining and metal processing is a form of heavy industry that entails many dangers, such as non-reversible environmental damage, pollution of the atmosphere, water and soil causing versatile consequences to human health and quality of life.
Gold is a market value, an investment property. Its price is shifting daily according to the law of supply and demand. Due to the time difference between markets the gold index is constantly moving, determining transactions.
“I Want Your Gold” takes into account this constant ranging of the gold index by creating a live montage of images from the environmental disaster taking place in the region. The shifting of images is programmed in relation to a live Gold Price Chart, through a Raspberry Pi 3 and Processing.